The other night, a friend was telling me how she had been inspired by a dead mining town in America, and we agreed that anything decaying and derelict held much drama and grace. Andrew Moore Detroit Disassembled is a perfect example of how powerful an image abandonment can create. I grew up in a street perpendicular to the rue Lavoisier (Chemist 1743-1794) and his discovery that matter may change its form and shape but its mass remain the same, abbreviated in the famous statement that" nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, everything is transformed", has become my motto. I remember discovering photographs of abandoned cars in America and Cuba, their carcasses devoured by vegetation and feel a shiver ran down my spine, and the terrible scenes of Jan Saudek end of the world imagination whose poster hang on my wall for most of my teenage years, were the ticket to the world of adulthood, so much more than the glossy cover of Photo and Zoom magazine that my father used to buy. Those dark and dusty scenes always had more appeal to me than Andy Warhol's Campbell Soup Cans even-thought the two are intrinsically linked. I am still lusting after that aluminium foil tape so.
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