

 I download my 11 photographs of the week. I choose 5, I upload them; one of them is accidently deleted. I leave it at that. I choose the sequence at which the images are being seen. I leave it at that.
I'm listening to Indian music from a beautiful documentary being played on C4, which you can see in full length but really bad quality here Dhrupad a film by Mani Kaul .
Before that I watched Exit through the gift shop, the first feature film by English street angry but nice artist Banksy. and that blew me away (I'm a bit tired from this afternoon swimming). That film sure woke me up. It's pure genius in the way that Being John Malkovich was. It made me so happy to see something that was not about money. I have great admiration for filmmaker who have the insight of giving us much more than what they said they would. This is not only a documentary about street art, a comedy about a childish selfish bohemian nouveau riche but an acid self-critical mockumentary about selling out and the contemporary art market. I wish I could sing.

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